TOP 5 TUESDAY, Young Adult

Tropes I’ve Had Enough Of | T5T

Hello bookworms! I’m Nia and today I’m going to be talking about some tropes that need to disappear.

I might have already talked about these tropes in another previous post, but I’m not pretty sure, so I still wanted to mention them in this one, because oh my my, authors need to stop doing these type of things, because not only they aren’t healthy but also they are soo boring and overdone. So yeah, in this post I’m going to be talking about some things that happened in books at times that need to stop.

If you aren’t familiar with Top 5 Tuesday, it is a group here on WordPress now currently run by Shanah over at BionicBookWorm, where each week they give you a topic and you talk about 5 books that fit that category.

Without any further ado, let’s start with this week’s topic!


Girl Shaming

I cannot stand this tope, to be honest. Every time I see slut shaming or any type of girl shaming in a book, it turns me off so much that I want to DNF it. I just don’t understand how authors think: hmm, that might be an interesting thing to add to my book, because why not. Well, I’m telling you, it’s not cool. I love me a good book with girls supporting and loving other girls.


Abusive mysterious male interest

Another trope that I feel it’s so overdone, especially in new adult contemporary (though sometimes in YA too). WHY. I love soft male interests. They are such cinnamon rolls and overall make me more invested in a romance. I feel the mysterious bad boy sometimes is a good trope that I like to read, but I hate abusive and sexist romances, so that’s something that I think that needs to disappear (unless that book is about being in a toxic relationship).


Best friend being the villain

Oh… I hate this trope. I know an author that almost all of her books have this trope, and let me tell you I saw those plot twists coming all along because it’s so overdone and I’m so tired of it. I think there are a lot of interesting plot twists or characters that could be a villain in a book, but when in a mystery or fantasy novel suddenly the best friend and the closest person to our main character suddenly becomes the villain of the story… nope. Give me another better anti hero, please.


Unnecessary romance

Unfortunately this is something that I feel every YA book nowadays have, and let me tell you, that sometimes ruins the book for me. Not every book needs a romance in them. I would love to read more about friendship instead of romances, because I think those relationships aren’t as common in YA, and it would be super interesting, because all those romance stories tend to become a bit repetitive and boring, and made the story less interesting for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good romance, but I feel that some books that I’ve read didn’t really need a romance.


“You’re not like the other girls”

You probably don’t see me rolling my eyes, but I am. In fact, I do that every time I see that quote popping in a book, because it makes me so mad. Like, no please, erase this from my vocabulary right now. Not only this is not cool and very problematic, but also this leads sometimes to another trope that I hate that I’ve already talked in this post (go to trope number two), and it’s a me shaking my head and wanting to DNF the book, or throw it to a wall.


What tropes are you so tired of? Do you agree with the ones I’ve mentioned in this post? Let me know in the comments!


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11 thoughts on “Tropes I’ve Had Enough Of | T5T”

  1. Completely agree with all of these, particularly the ‘not like other girls’ trope! I am a sucker for a bit of romance but sometimes it just feels shoehorned in – just because two characters are spending a lot of time together doesn’t mean that they have to fall in love!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I usually enjoy romance books, but I feel there are times where it was totally rushed and unnecessary, and it ended up focusing a lot on the romance and less on the plot or the characters😪.
      The “not like other girls” trope need to die, haha.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! That’s just how I feel. I love me a good romance book, but I feel sometimes it focuses a lot on that when the author could have created a beautiful friendship or something else🙂.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I dislike girl shaming a lot! There are much better ways to create conflict than simply relying on the “mean girls” trope. Unnecessary romance in books is so popular these days! I don’t understand why there is even a need for it if it really doesn’t work out, you know. Friendship is just as powerful. This is a great list, Nia!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know! I feel like back in the day almost all the books had at least one of those tropes, but they just don’t work and make me not enjoy a story that much.
      I totally agree! I treasure all those friendship based books because there aren’t many and they are so precious and beautiful😊.


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