BOOK REVIEW, Book Reviews, CONTEMPORARY, Fantasy, READATHON, Sci-fi, Wrap Up, Young Adult

I read 8 books in 6 days??? | BookTubeAThon 2018

,lHello bookworms! I'm Nia and today I'm going to be talking about the BookTubeAThon! Of course, after participating last year and loving the experience I decided to join this year too. And to be honest, I did an amazing job this year, and I'm still not sure how. This year I'm going to be doing… Continue reading I read 8 books in 6 days??? | BookTubeAThon 2018

TBR, Young Adult

March TBR | 2018

Hello bookworms! I'm Nia and today I'm going to be talking about the books I plan to read this month! Though I have a pretty ambitious TBR, I'm only going to be mentioning in this post the books that I currently own, even though I've already purchased all of the ones that are on my… Continue reading March TBR | 2018